To: Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein
Vienna, April, 1810

Anderson v1 pg267 - letter #252

Dear, kind Gleichenstein!

       I am sending you herewith 300 gulden.  Just let me know whether you need more, and how much?  I will let you have the amount at once -- -- and please, since not only do I understand nothing whatever about such matters but also such matters are very distasteful to me, do buy for me some linen or Bengal cotton for shirts and at least half a dozen neckcloths – Use your own judgment when buying them.  But don’t put off making these purchases, for, as you know, I need the articles.  – I advanced 300 gulden to Lind today, in this respect acting entirely in accordance with you maxim –

       Joseph Henikstein gave me 27 gulden and a half for a pound sterling today.  He has invited you and me together with Clementi to lunch tomorrow.  Be sure not to refuse.  You know how much I enjoy your company. But let me know whether I may tell Henikstein that we can certainly count on you – Surely you will not refuse. – My greetings to all who are dear to you and to me.  How gladly would I add, and to whom we are dear ? ? ? ?  At any rate this question mark befits myself – I have so much to do today and tomorrow that I cannot come to you, much as I should like to – Accept my best wishes and be happy.  I am not happy –
